Monday, August 26, 2013

My Brain at 2 AM

Remember how I said I was bad at diaries? Yeah well it's two weeks later and you can tell I wasn't joking. A lot of things have happened since then. And lot's of stuff too! Like Alaska which ended up being pretty much how I pictured it except better.


Today is the first day of school for everyone else but me. My classes start tomorrow. But did that stop my brain from giving me first day of school excitement jitters? Absolutely not. Last night I went to bed a little later than I should have expecting that, since I was already so tired, I'd fall asleep instantly!

How wrong I was.
Shut UP, Brain!

As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was wide awake. I wanted to go for a jog. And learn how to cross stitch. Maybe crochet! There were SO MANY things to think about! Everytime I closed my eyes, my brain would whisper, you should think about how your eyes are positioned when they're closed like that. This is basically the worst thing ever. Because as soon as you think it, you become incredibly aware of it. You push it out of your head hoping that maybe you'll forget about it but you never really can and the more you concentrate on it, the more uncomfortable you feel! 

It just occurred to me that maybe not everyone experiences these same problems as me. Just wait. It'll happen. And then you'll know.

So, after checking my clock every thirty minutes, resisting the urge to go for a 3am jog (I don't even like running, brain) and several crossword puzzles, I must have gone to sleep because suddenly it was 6:00 in the morning and my alarm was going off. And I was exhausted.