Monday, September 30, 2013

HEB, Cayenne Pepper & Exploding Beers

It's been a while since I've written anything here but I told you I'd be bad at this didn't I? Today, while I was avoiding my problems by surfing the internets instead, I came across a recipe that called for cayenne pepper. This reminded me of the story I'm about to tell you. Cayenne pepper and I are NOT friends and this is why:

A looooooong time ago, during high school, I worked at HEB.

Pictured: more fun than it really was.

It was a lot of fun and I liked the beeping noises the machine made while I scanned things. What could possibly go wrong?? Oh, yeah. It's me. So everything can go wrong.

In this case, a loose top on a package of cayenne pepper is what ultimately ruined my day. There was cayenne paper everywhere. After what seemed like 10 minutes of cleaning, I finally got it all mopped up and quickly went to the bathroom to wash all of the spicy spice off of my hands.

Later that day, cayenne incident forgotten, I got to do what was definitely my favorite job in the whole store: putting returned items back on the shelves. I liked this job a lot in particular because I got to learn the layout of the store better, help customers find the things they needed and most of all because it was kind of like a reverse scavenger hunt. Everything I love.

The very last item in my cart was a bottle of beer that had been put in the cart upside down so that the neck of the bottle was resting in one of the squares in the bottom of the shopping cart. Naively, I reached for the bottle and pulled it out of the cart, ready to put it on the shelf and win my supermarket scavenger hunt! It was the perfect storm. 

Bad Idea.

The top of the bottle popped off and foamy, shaken beer flew EVERYWHERE, namely, my face.

I'm sure you've probably been sprayed in the face with something before so I'm guessing you probably know what the first reaction to that kind of things is. Yep. Rubbing your eyes.


Pictured: shame and regret

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